Season 3 The Geopolitically Propagandistic One
Can't Win
Zionism is not Judaism. It's a European settler colonialist project. Many Jews speak out against it.
Andrey runs a strategy and risk consultancy, tweets about strategic uncertainty, risk, marketing, and the NBA, and hosts the Business Games educational podcast helping leaders deal with uncertainty.
Season 3 The Geopolitically Propagandistic One
Zionism is not Judaism. It's a European settler colonialist project. Many Jews speak out against it.
E Newsletter
Censorship is not the answer to dis- and misinformation—better education on critical thinking is.
E Newsletter
Well? Do you have a number? Does Zelensky? Or, as Madeleine Albright once replied to a similar question, "The price is worth it"?
Season 3 The Geopolitically Propagandistic One
Esha Krishnaswamy of Historic.ly on imperialism, communism, Bernie Sanders, Republicans vs Democrats, AOC, and her first impressions of Russia…
A podcast
Chay Bowes about propaganda, the Absolute Truth, the conflict in Ukraine, Russophobia, and more.
E Newsletter
AI makes shit up and tells me I'm confused. Or does she? Implications of Sydney's creative mode on perception of truth, research, public opinion. Reads like Sci-Fi.
B Log
NZ inching closer to NATO. By Geoffrey Miller, the Democracy Project’s geopolitical analyst who writes on current New Zealand foreign policy and related geopolitical issues.
A podcast
Johnny Miller on working for Iranian Press TV, Portaloos as protest success predictor, coming under Kyiv shelling in Donetsk, children on "kill lists", + much more.
E Newsletter
PSA: Update on the progress + introducing Dialogues. Geopolitics and geo-economics. The Salisbury Skripal novichok affair.
A podcast
Why propaganda? How propaganda? and What can you do? Oliver covers provable propaganda in Hollywood & the (predominantly) US media, with examples from Iraq (twice), Syria, Ukraine, & Russiagate. We also touch on modern leadership and Russophobia.
A podcast
We break down the Western media coverage of Iranian school poisonings, Mexican Electoral Institute Reform, and Ukraine narrative changes.
E Newsletter
Busting myths and misconceptions about Ukraine that are promoted by the propaganda machinery of the Western media, Western politicians, and the Kyiv regime—and offering a more helpful narrative. It's an unthankful job to fight BS, but has to be done.