(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
The Experimental Finale, Part 2: Summary + Q&A
(Transcript) Summarizing the whole season + member Q&A.
A Decision Making Course in a Podcast + Newsletter Form. Includes Transcripts and Deep Dives. Reverse order (start at the bottom).
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Summarizing the whole season + member Q&A.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Introducing L.O.E.C.: Learning Organization's Experimentation Culture Framework.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Do you know what people do with screwdrivers? Have you ever managed children at a party using "fun" objectives? Heard of Porsche's "strategic drift"? Tried to set boundaries in your relationships? All this and more…
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) A lit review of 6 must-read articles + 1 book on experiments in business, and more. Strengths and weaknesses of each, and how they relate to our own research and expert opinions this season.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
20% of the bees in the hive ignore the waggle dance. Why? What do the efficiency-oriented bee accountants say? How do you measure the RoI on the rogue bee activity? How is any of this relevant to innovation? Listen to Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, to get the answers.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
What Makes SMEs Different? We look at what's similar and what's different when you're an entrepreneur, rather than an employee or a director | The Weekender S2 Week 6.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
"One of the Biggest Detrimental Habits [for Entrepreneurs Is] a Shiny Object Syndrome"—The Entrepreneurial Marathon & Experimentation With Ashlee Berghoff | Business Games S2 Week 6 Full Interview + Transcript
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
We talk about why the Golden Rule is not so golden, after all—and introduce a key element of game theory.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
A Deep Dive Into Making Sense of the World: how to properly set up experiments, what forecasting has to do with it, and why anthropology is key to make your experiments a success.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
How could Melissa Clark-Reynolds ONZM predict the pandemic collapse of seaports in the US? And Why is your board bad at strategy?—If you can answer these two questions, your firm would be much better off. (Premium)
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
Why do we fetishize stress as the motivator, why it's bad, and what should we do instead? (Premium)
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
"…Only the Place You Can Charge Into With Listening"—Dawie Olivier on dealing with crises, creating emotional safety, and fostering curiosity & creativity in a large corporate. Also: full contact leadership, progressive learning mindset, reading widely, and journaling. Full premium transcript.