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"I Don't Endorse Things Lightly… But Listen to This Cracker of a Podcast"
What do Pornhub calculus and Jurassic Park experiments have in common? Listen to find out!
E Newsletter
What do Pornhub calculus and Jurassic Park experiments have in common? Listen to find out!
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
AI takes a deeper dive into Marvel & Blumhouse, Nintendo, Laplace's Demon, and two types of uncertainty: epistemic and aleatory. Also: safe-to-fail experiments and emergent v. deliberate strategy.
A podcast
JP Castlin on Complexity, what it means for your business, and how to deal with it via safe-to-fail experimentation.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
JP Castlin on Complexity, what it means for your business, and how to deal with it via safe-to-fail experimentation. Premium transcript.